Thursday, September 3, 2009

California flowering vines



Flower - Flower.jpg


Lupine at Quail Hollow Ranch, CA USA

flowers - flowers.jpg

Asim Shah posted a photo:


Flower With White Color, Around...

Small simple house of a Cambodian family - better small but own a house than large and owned by a bank! Most Houses in Cambodia are small but functional for an entire family. In tropical climate most of the life is outdoor anyway, hence a house serves but to sleep or rest and as shelter during rainy season.
In album Kingdom of Cambodia Pictures

Robert Nyman
Like, flowers

Like, flowers

Flowers - 808f4f32.jpg

When take this flower, i just curious in the middle of this flower, it's take couple days to figure out what to name this photo, finally name of "swirl" comes out... flower with combination of white and red, somehow it may like the flying bird.

Dove... flying around. This tiny flower, with mostly with white colour, plus a little spot of yellow. The formation of dove.

Robert Nyman
Like, flowers

Like, flowers

pollen-flowers posted a photo

tall martini vases with vintage roses - latest2007.jpg

High old jungle grows across all Angkor temple city for the past hundreds of years bearing most of the temples for centuries.
Nature photo Angkor - Cambodia.
More Jungle wallpaper from Cambodia
In album Nature pictures

When showing and take a while look to this photo, then one name comes up, peacock !!!, yes you right :) except this fanlike with yellow colour. Actually a little flower, but when take to macro mode, it's becomes more fun, and showing totally different.

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