Thursday, March 12, 2009

Ne flowering vines

White and ample flower

White and ample flower


flowers - WinterLeaves.jpg

flowers - one2.jpg

red ball - DSC04420.jpg

Kampuchea - the country of Lotus. Some of the most beautiful flowers grow in most difficult and most simple conditions. Some of the most beautiful souls grow in most difficult situations of life. While Kampuchea has a most troubles past for many decades, almost an entire century, the people have grown beautiful inside. Simple life - sometimes very poor life, but very humble and evolving like a beautiful lotus to a very beautiful soul.
In my newly created Blog topic on Kingdom of Cambodia, you find some more information on life in Kampuchea. In the photo gallery album Photos Kingdom of Cambodia, you'll find a growing number of beautiful nature and life sceneries from Kampuchea. See more lotus wallpaper - Fleur de lotus - fonds d'écran
In album Lotus flower photo - Lotus blossom images - Lotus pond photos

Asim Shah posted a photo:


Lush green bushes along beaches - like jewels for your eyes, heart and soul. The greener the better. Mankind never can have enough nature around living and working environment. Best is to live amidst all beautiful nature. Fully integrated into nature. That however requires you to be willing to shrink your ego and accordingly also your housing requirements will shrink until in full harmony with God's creation.
In album Kingdom of Cambodia: Photos Cambodia scenery, eCards Cambodia nature

Robert Nyman
Like, flowers

Like, flowers

Sunset behind the mountains of Kampot - river sunset. If you love tropical sceneries and tropical nature, then the Kingdom of Cambodia may be a paradise for you ... exotic and full of hidden surprises and wonders made by God. See also the new growing collection of Wallpapers sunset Cambodia.
In album Sunsets - tropical beach sunset and ocean sunset scenery
Info from:

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